Good Shepherd
Free Medical Clinic
Healthcare for the Low-Income, Uninsured of Laurens County
Healthcare. Healing. Hope.

The Good Shepherd Free Medical Clinic of Laurens County
is an interdenominational Christian mission
providing free medical care, medications, and pastoral support
to Laurens County residents who are without
government assistance, private insurance, or the financial resources
to afford such care.
It is our intention to promote the physical, emotional, and spiritual health
of all those who need our care.
The clinic began in 1994 with leadership from
All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Clinton and the enthusiastic support
of other congregations, the Laurens County Healthcare System (now Prisma Health),
Laurens County Council, DHEC, DSS, United Way, and the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina.
Under the leadership of Mr. Jim Roberts, the initial steering committee recruited doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and non-medical volunteers to begin the task of opening a once-weekly clinic.
Mr. Roberts led the efforts to bring care to Laurens County
in borrowed space at the local Health Department.
For five years, the clinic wholly operated under the leadership of Mr. Roberts and the help of dedicated volunteers.
We truly appreciate your willingness to contribute to the mission of Good Shepherd! If you’d like to make a donation via check, please address it to:
PO Box 1535 Clinton SC 29325